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As an energy healer, you have taken on a special responsibility of tending to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of others. With that comes increased risk which can potentially leave you vulnerable in the event of professional negligence, malpractice or an unintentional injury being claimed against you. To protect your practice and finances from any liability claims, it is important to carry insurance coverage tailored specifically for energy healers. The Healing Touch Professional Association (HTPA) believes liability insurance is a necessity for every student and practitioner practicing Healing Touch. This is why HTPA offers liability insurance for HTPA members. Give you and your clients peace of mind that they will be taken care of should something unexpected occur during a session and sign up for liability insurance today!

This liability coverage is specifically designed for energy practitioners and their practice. This individual (one person) coverage is tailored to cover students, practitioners and instructors. HTPA offers an annual policy that renews  year-to -date. United States residents only.

  If you are not part of the Healing Touch Program community, you may consider getting your insurance through Energy Medicine Professional Association or the Association of Professional Coaches.

   Three Levels of Coverage to Choose From

Professional + Standard Liability Coverage

  • Coverage suited for Energy Medicine students and part-time practitioners  working less than 6 hours per week.
  • Allows for classes or sessions with up to 9 in-person participants.
  • No limit for online participants.
  • Your HTPA Membership is included in the price 
  • Upgrade at any time during the policy year

$245 annually


Professional + Professional Liability Coverage

  • Coverage for Energy Medicine practitioners working more than 6 hours per week up to full-time practice.
  • Allows for classes or sessions with up to 9 in-person participants.
  • No limit for online participants.
  • Your HTPA Membership is included in the price 
  • Upgrade at any time during the policy year

$275 annually


Professional + Premium Liability Coverage

  • Ideal for Energy Medicine instructors and practitioners working with large groups of 10 or more
  • Covers full-time practice and in-person groups of 1 to 99.
  • No limit for online participants.
  • Your HTPA Membership is included in the price 
  • Level change can be made at renewal

$385 annually 


Applications are accepted through the online form only. You can upgrade to a higher level at anytime during the policy year. 

  Current HTPA members need to contact the administrator for instructions on how to upgrade HERE. 

Comprehensive Coverage

HTPA liability insurance includes comprehensive coverage. If you are named in a lawsuit, an experienced attorney will represent you. Whatever the outcome, this policy pays for legal fees, court costs, and any judgments involving claims or allegations as outlined in the coverage description. Liability insurance:

  • Pays for accidents that cause injury to your clients such as slip and fall
  • Pays for negligence due to misconduct or lack of skills
  • Protects you from suits involving libel, slander or invasion of privacy
  • Covers claims made against you for damage or injury resulting from a product you used on a client
  • Covers damage to your rented work space
  • Covers legal defense cost if you are sued
  • Fulfills your professional responsibility to your client



Coverage Description

Coverage Limits

Professional Liability
similar to malpractice

Professional liability insurance is coverage that protects business professionals from claims of negligence, misconduct or lack of ordinary skill related to the services they provide. Coverage will respond to incidents arising from the coverage period regardless of when those claims are reported. (Occurrence)

$2 million per occurrence /
$4 million annual aggregate

General Liability

Covers claims for injuries that occur at your place of work, including trip and fall and property damage caused by direct or indirect actions of the insuredCoverage will respond to incidents arising from the coverage period regardless of when those claims are reported. (Occurrence)

$2 million per occurrence /
$4 million annual aggregate

Personal and Advertising Injury

Protects you from suits involving libel, slander, false advertising or wrongful invasion of privacy.

$2 million per occurrence /
$4 million annual aggregate

Operations Aggregate

Covers claims made against you for damage or injury to a client resulting from a product you use on clients.


Property Rented to You

Covers fire damage to the space you work in.


Medical Expense

Provides medical expenses coverage incurred by others who are      injured by an accident on the insureds premises or as a result of the insured’s operations, regardless of fault.

$1,000 any one person

Additional Coverage Information

  • Must be a US resident. Coverage is offered in all 50 United States.
  • No deductibles for general liability or professional liability.
  • Coverage for any place you work; an office, on site, seminar, convention, healthcare facility, spa and anywhere you travel in the United States.
  • Coverage starts as soon as the application is approved.
  • Covers any incident that happens within your policy period, even if the claim is made years later and your policy has expired. (occurrence)
  • Internet, phone and Skype sessions are covered but any breach of confidentiality over the internet is excluded from this policy. (HIPPA regulation)
  • All covered activities must be therapeutic in nature. Activities performed solely as entertainment, such as psychic readings and fortune telling are not covered. 
  • Coverage assumes the practitioner is operating within the laws of their state, including any other legal compliance.
  • Coverage assumes the practitioner is trained to practice listed modalities and is working within their scope of practice/training. 
  • Once purchased, the coverage cannot be cancelled during the policy term.
  • Health/ Wellness coaches that give advice that is informative or educational but not prescriptive are covered.


Covered Modalities

Many practitioners in the Energy Medicine field have training in a number of modalities. You may receive coverage for several of modalities provided you have a basis of training in a professional program that ensures that you are a safe practitioner. If you have training in a modality that is not listed below, please contact us to see if we can offer you coverage.

Core modalities covered by HTPA liability insurance include, but are not limited to, the following:

Subtle Energy

    • Access Consciousness/ BARS
    • Acupressure
    • Akashic Records
    • Alexander Technique
    • Angel Reading/ Card Reading
    • Aura Healing & Aura Reading
    • Barbara Brennan Healing Science
    • Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)
    • BioMagnetic Code
    • Breathwork
    • Bodytalk
    • Color Therapy
    • Craniosacral Therapy
    • Crystal Healing
    • Direct Divine Light Healing™
    • Eden Energy Medicine
    • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
    • Energetic Healing (EH)
    • Energy Balancing
    • Energy Field Work
    • Energy Tapping
    • Esoteric Healing
    • Havening
    • Healing Touch
    • Healing Touch for Animals (excl. Equine)
    • Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry
    • Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET)
    • Intuitive Reader
    • Jin Shin Jyutsu
    • LifeLine Technique
    • Life Alignment
    • Lionheart Institute's Energy Healing
    • Magdalena Healing 
    • Magnified Healing
    • Matrix Energetics
    • Medical Intuitive
    • Natural Bioenergetics
    • Pranic Healing
    • Polarity Therapy
    • Quantum Access®
    • Quantum Touch
    • Reconnective Healing
    • Reiki
    • Rising Star Healing
    • Rosen Method
    • Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing
    • Shamanic Healing
    • Splankna
    • Star Magic Energy Healing
    • Sufi Spiritual Healing 
    • Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
    • The Practical Path® Medical Intuition
    • Theta Healing
    • TFT (Thought Field Therapy)
    • Therapeutic Touch
    • TOLPAKAN Healing Method
    • Touch For Health
    • Zero Balancing


    • Business Coaching
    • Creativity Coaching
    • Health Coaching
    • Life Coaching
    • Relationship Coaching

    Verbal Modalities

      • ARTbundance
      • Energy Psychology
      • Family Constellation Work
      • Guided Imagery/ Guided Meditation
      • HeartMath
      • Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy
      • Integrative Quantum Healing
      • Laughter Leader/ Laughter Yoga
      • NLP
      • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
      • Percussive Suggestion Technique (PSTEC)
      • PSYCH-K®
      • Rapid Transformational Therapy
      • RoHun Therapy
      • RIM Method
      • Summit Transformation

      Subtle Energy of the Senses

      • Aromatherapy
      • Art Therapy
      • Biofield Tuning
      • Flower Essence Therapy (ingestibles excluded)
      • Raindrop Therapy/ AromaTouch
      • SoulCollage®
      • Sound Healing
      • Therapeutic Musicians
      • Tuning Fork Vibrational Therapy


        • Applied Kinesiology
        • Biofeedback
        • Emotion Code/ Body Code
        • Iridology
        • NES Health (ingestibles excluded)


          • Feldenkrais Method
          • Qigong
          • Somatic Movement
          • Somatic Personal Resonance Education
          • T’ai Chi


          • Bodywork and Somatic Education (BASE)
          • Core Energetics
          • Reflexology
          • Somatic Experiencing

          Additional modalities that can be covered (must have one of the above "core" modalities to qualify)


          • Massage Therapy
          • Amma Therapy
          • Bowen Technique
          • Hawaiian Bodywork
          • Kripalu Bodywork
          • Many More...

          Additional Subtle Energies

          • Astrology
          • Clairvoyant/ Medium
          • Numerology
          • Therapeutic Tarot Card Reader

          Additional Movement

          • Free-form Movement/ Dance
          • JourneyDance
          • Qoya
          • Somatic Movement
          • Yoga

          Main Policy Exclusions and Limitations

            Like all insurance contracts, the insurance provided under the Energy Medicine Professional group insurance policy contains exclusions and limitations that reduce or eliminate coverage for certain types of claims. A copy of the policy is available on the portal for members to examine for an understanding of how and under what circumstances your insurance applies. If there are any portions of your policy that you do not understand, please contact us for an explanation. Some but not all, of the policy exclusions are summarized below:

            Energy Medicine activities are defined as the evaluation and manipulation of the human energy field, using the client's or practitioner's energy field to effect a change in the client’s energy field and overall mental emotional physical or spiritual health.

            A common misconception is that coaching is the same as therapy, when in fact they are quite different. This insurance program is for coaching and not therapy.

            Therapy (counseling or psychotherapy) is intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. Therapy is a long-term process in which a client works with a healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve problematic beliefs, behaviors, relationship issues, feelings and sometimes physical responses. Therapist are licensed professionals.

            Coaching, on the other hand, is intended to help normal, healthy individuals achieve personal goals such as increased happiness, weight loss, improved work-life balance. etc. In coaching, a client works with a coach who is not a healthcare professional to clarify goals and identify obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results.

            Misrepresentation of activities outside the scope of the policy as covered constitutes fraud and will void the insurance.


            • Licensed professional services by an attorney, architect, engineer, accountant, real estate or investment manager, physician, dentist, anesthesiologist, nurse midwife, x-ray therapist, radiologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, LCSW, counselor, therapists, chiropodist, chiropractor, physical therapist, acupuncturist, optometrist, dietitian, nutritionist, herbalist, homeopathic or Ayurveda practitioner. Practitioners licensed in one or more of these areas would be covered for their Energy Medicine practice but would not be covered for licensed activities under this policy. Massage and hypnotherapy are covered licensed activities provided they are within the scope of the policy and do not include any other excluded activities.
            • Energy Medicine activities are the evaluation and manipulation of the human energy field, using the client’s or practitioner’s energy field to effect a change in the client’s energy field and overall mental emotional physical or spiritual health. Activities outside the scope of providing energy medicine treatments are not covered except as described in the policy. Representation of activities that are outside of this scope as Energy Medicine modalities or methods constitutes fraud and will void the insurance. Life and health coaching, hypnosis and other verbal modalities are considered within the scope of covered Energy Medicine activities.

            • Financial or legal advice.

            • Businesses are not covered by this policy except as separate entities for liability arising directly from the covered activities of the insured individual.
            • Any practices that are invasive in nature, that diagnose, prescribe, or make curative claims.
            • Esthetics services, chemical skin enhancement, ear candling, cupping using heat sources, moxibustion.
            • Laser Treatment.
            • Liability arising from the function or malfunction of a device used to effect treatment. Liability arising from the use of a device is the responsibility of the manufacturer.
            • Equine treatment.
            • Steam rooms, saunas, sweat lodges and steam therapy.
            • Ice plunge therapies.
            • Work with sex surrogates, surrogate partner therapy and sex coaching or any work that involves unclothed clients.
            • Sexual abuse/molestation.
            • The sale of products you manufacture, or which are sold under your brand or label.
            • All products ingested or taken internally.
            • Specific dietary or exercise instruction. Offering guidance or options to aid clients in making choices is acceptable.
            • Personal Training or any service or advice in connection with cardio-vascular fitness, body building, physical training programs or athletic coaching. Qigong and other energy-based movement modalities are covered if they are limited to teaching and training of movement, breath, and energy movement.
            • Any martial arts or combat training or activity is specifically excluded. Tai Chi and other energy movement modalities are covered if they are limited to teaching and training of movement, breath, and energy movement.
            • The practitioner is covered to offer phone and video-conference sessions, but any breach of confidentiality over the internet is excluded from this policy.
            • Cyber Liability is excluded.
            • All covered activities must be therapeutic in nature. Activities performed solely as entertainment, such as psychic readings and fortune telling are not covered.
            • Ministers are covered for spiritual counseling, but other ministerial duties, including wedding ceremonies, are excluded.
            •  Any modality that uses or the use of psychedelics or cannabis in a treatment. 
            Revised: July 2023  

            Terms and Conditions of Insurance

            I hereby state that I have no knowledge of any incident, pending claims, suits, or other ethics violations nor have any been filed against me in the past pertaining to my practice as a practitioner, that no certifications or licenses have been revoked, and that I have never been arrested for or been charged with any sexual violation.

            I understand that this application is subject to approval with no automatic inclusion in the program. My digital signature shall verify that I have completed this application accurately and honestly and that I agree to provide proof of training should I be asked to provide it in the event of a claim.

            I understand that if my application is approved, the premium/fees paid by me are nonrefundable, nontransferable and will not be prorated. This application is for liability coverage which is in force for one year from the date of approval. Denied applications will be refunded less any associated fees resulting from the method of payment (i.e. credit card charges).

            I understand and agree to pay a fee or $35 or 10% of the cost of the transaction, whichever is greater, for returned checks or for credit card payments that are either disputed or refunded by a third party.

            I understand that I am responsible to verify that the coverage is appropriate to my training and professional activity, and that activities outside the scope of coverage of the policy are not covered. Specific coverages and exclusions are determined by the policy and the list of exclusions and limitations.  I understand that a complete copy of the insurance policy is available on the member portal.

            I acknowledge that HTPA defines Business coaching as an educational activity where the coach provides information and techniques to enhance and improve business function and performance but does not provide specific business direction or legal or financial advice. I understand offering licensed professional business advice is not covered.

            I acknowledge that HTPA defines Life/ Health/ Relationship coaching as an educational activity where the coach provides information and techniques to enhance and improve the life, health or general wellbeing of the client but does not provide prescriptions, diagnosis or offer medical advice or treatment. I understand offering licensed professional counseling or health advice is not covered.

            Energy Medicine activities are the evaluation and manipulation of the human energy field, using the client's or practitioner's energy field to effect a change in the client’s energy field and overall mental emotional physical or spiritual health. I understand that activities outside the scope of providing energy medicine treatments are not covered except as described in the policy. Representation of activities that are outside of this scope as Energy Medicine modalities or methods constitutes fraud and will void the insurance.

            I understand that any false statement made on this application or subsequent renewals shall void this application and render my insurance coverage null and void.

            I understand that equipment used in the evaluation or treatment of the human energy field is not covered for liability arising from the function or malfunction of such equipment.

            I understand and agree to follow the HTP Code of Ethics and understand that activities outside the HTP Code of Ethics may void coverage. 

            HTP Code of Ethics

            I understand that the comprehensive coverage provided by HTPA covers liabilities that result from my actions as an individual professional practitioner and associated general liability.

            I understand that businesses are not covered by this policy except as a separate entity for liabilities arising directly from the covered activities of my professional practice. I understand that the business name can be listed on the application only for the sole purpose of promoting my professional practice in the Practitioner Directory.

            Healing Touch Practitioner Directory Terms and Conditions

            The information in this directory is provided by its members. The listing of any area of practice by a practitioner has not been reviewed by the HTPA staff. It is merely an indication by the member of an area or areas in which he or she practices. Any complaints or comments may be submitted through the Contact Us link available on that website. 

            HTPA/ HTP holds the right to remove a member at the discretion of HTPA/ HTP. Reasons for removal may include but are not limited to: large amount of complaints by other members, inappropriate content, use of Practitioner Directory for commercial solicitation, and ethical violations.  

            Revised: October 2021      

            About the Insurer

            Tokio Marine Specialty Insurance Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Philadelphia Consolidated Holding Corporation (PHLY), a member of the Tokio Marine Group. Tokio Marine Specialty is an Excess and Surplus lines commercial insurance carrier serving specialized industries in all 50 states, including Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands. PHLY is rated “A++” (Superior) by the A.M. Best Company and “A+” by Standard & Poor’s. The Group is ranked within the Top 20 life/non-life insurance company groups in the world based on market capitalization.

            What does this rating mean to you? This means that the company insuring your practice is financially secure. This level of financial security means that the Philadelphia Insurance Companies family of companies is not required to participate in the state insurance guarantee programs that some states have.

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