Come join us for a lively discussion! The HTPA Virtual Book Club usually takes place on the third Monday of every month at 7pm Central time (USA). The HTPA Book Club is FREE for HTPA Community, Professional and Insurance members. These rich discussions on the book of the month can support Level 5 reading requirements, and is an opportunity to share your wisdom. This is a wonderful way to join community, feel connected, and expand in thoughtful discourse. Only those that have requested to be a part of the Virtual Book Club (and hold an eligible Membership) will receive the Zoom link the day before the club meetings. Meetings are recorded and recordings are posted to the HTPA member portal. Once you have requested to join the club, you will always receive the links to the meetings, unless you request to be removed from the club or you allow your eligible HTPA membership to lapse.
Monday, November 18th at 7pm Central
Revealing Higher Frequencies by Tim McConville & Franny Harcey
HT Reading Category: Energy Medicine/Holistic Healing

About the Book:
In Revealing Higher Frequencies, the third in a series of books by Franny Harcey and Tim McConville of Awakening Healing Axis (AHA), we are invited to explore the concepts of personal growth and self-love. Using the tools of reflection and mirroring, in addition to those previously outlined in their other books, Franny and Tim introduce us to the Energetic Expressions that manifest in our lives to help us stay secure. They then share tools and exercises we can use to help shift into a higher frequency, benefitting ourselves and the planet.
Within this book you will experience the protocols—including meditations and exercises—they offered in their retreat of the same theme, as well as an ever-deepening understanding of the principles behind energy, frequency, and how to navigate and work with both in an ever-changing world. Ultimately, practicing self-love is key to moving beyond our self-imposed limits and recognizing both our power and our deep connection to self, Spirit, and others.
Revealing Higher Frequencies is a must-read for anyone interested in healing the patterns of their past that have kept them stuck or feeling disconnected. As we learn to reconnect to our core being, we raise our frequency and become better tools to serve the collective shift in planetary consciousness, thereby supporting change in our lives and our world.
About the Authors:
Timothy McConville
Tim, trained as an engineer and a healer, bridges the worlds of science and the esoteric. He teaches multiple healing modalities, where he brings to each moment, a strong groundedness, connection to higher consciousness and humor. He has a strong belief that we all can raise our frequency and conscious awareness to facilitate healing within ourselves, our family and all of humanity.
Franny Harcey
Franny is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner and Qualified Mentor. She is the Founder/Owner of Golden Shadow Healing Center. Franny works with individuals interested in personal transformation, physical healing and soul evolution. She has been on a spiritual journey since childhood and embraces the concepts that Alice A. Bailey and Torkom Saraydarian present in their extensive study and brings principles of these teachings to her work. She has developed and teaches work that she was gifted through intuitive guidance. Franny is very excited to be part of this powerful collaboration being presented with her beloved colleagues.
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