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Client Confidentiality Legal Workshop with Ian Foster, J.D.

  • 06/08/2024
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online


Did you know there's a difference between what you want to keep confidential and what you should?

Figuring out all the legal and ethical issues surrounding client confidentiality can be pretty confusing.  This legal workshop will answer questions like:

     How much privacy can I realistically promise to my clients?

     What happens if I must release client information without their consent?

     Does it matter whether the disclosure was intentional or unintentional?

     What written policies are needed to protect myself and my clients?

     Are there client privacy risks with social media?

Client Confidentiality Legal Workshop
with Ian Foster, JD

Saturday, June 8, 9 a.m. Pacific Time

Ian Foster, JD is one of the top attorneys specializing in the heart-centered industry and he understands that we love our clients and care about their privacy.  In just one day, you can get answers to your legal confidentiality questions.

In this fun and effective workshop, you’ll learn:

  • The most common risks associated with client privacy and confidentiality, and how we can protect our clients and ourselves.

  • What sorts of privacy promises might we want to make in different situations, and whether we should make those promises.

  • When you must reveal your clients' personal and business information, even without their consent!

  • Legal and ethical issues with both intentional and unintentional disclosure of client information.

  • The critical privacy issues involved in social media, including what you can or can’t say on social media and how the settings and algorithms can violate client privacy accidentally!

  • How to avoid common mistakes related to client privacy and confidentiality, including legal compliance and information storage, so everyone feels safe and empowered!

PLUS, this workshop:

  • Won’t break the bank! Instead of paying thousands of dollars, you can join for less than the cost of a 30-minute legal consultation.

  • Respects your time! Rather than commit to weeks of learning, you’ll get everything you need in half a day.

  • Makes it easy for you! You get printable slides to take notes, workshop recordings, PLUS sample language you can use in your written policies right away!

The investment for this empowering one-of-a-kind workshop is only $247. However, through a special arrangement with HTPA, Ian has graciously allowed you to join for 20% off! Check your email for registration link and coupon code. 

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