Our Member Spotlight is on
Victoria Stewart, HTP
Meet our Member Victoria!
Victoria is a Healing Touch Practitioner and, in the past, taught HT Level 1 and Level 2, was a Qualified Mentor and Healing Touch for Animals ® Practitioner. Her path to becoming a Healing Touch Practitioner started when her brother was dying from melanoma cancer in 1997. She knew there was something out there to help him make a peaceful transition and her search led her to Healing Touch. Victoria was also a Board Member of the Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation for several years. Victoria has had a full-time practice since 2004 and spent 7 years contracted in a hospital to work with the Palliative Care office for symptom management. Now Victoria has a practice in her home.
Victoria spent 25 years in the corporate world, “a cog in a machine” as she calls it... but through Healing Touch she has found that she is actually making a difference and helping people from all walks of life with their path to healing. And she has taken the opportunity to bring Healing Touch into the lives of everyday people.
In this Member in the Spotlight, you will hear about:
The tools Victoria used to help support her position in providing Healing Touch in Palliative Care
Victoria's work with animals
Victoria even shares how she found support within the HT community and the benefits of doing so. This interview can be found on the Member Spotlight page of the member site and is available to HTPA Community, Professional and Insurance Members.
This series highlights the diverse ways in which our HTPA Members are bringing Healing Touch into their profession, lives, and communities. The views and opinions expressed are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Healing Touch Program, Healing Touch Professional Association Healing Touch or the community. Healing Touch Program and Healing Touch Professional Association offer this as a platform for discussion and awareness, and recognizes and respects that each individual has their own viewpoint and beliefs.
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