Healing Touch Certified Practitioners and Instructors share their knowledge, experience, and skills on using Healing Touch techniques to support clients experiencing certain issues. The HTPA Healer Development Series is held on the 1st Friday of every month at 12:30pm Central (10:30am PT, 11:30am MT, 1:30pm ET). Zoom link will be sent to those that register for the event. The event recording will be emailed to registrants and shared on the HTPA member portal.
Healer Development Topic: ORTHOPEDIC ISSUES - Friday, January 5th at 12:30PM CT
On this special, live call, you will discover:
As well hear success stories, challenges & more!
Our speakers include:
Lyria Pascal, HTCP, MA
Cindy Palajac, HTCP/I, QM, Certified Sacred Depths Coach
Peggy Verret, RN, MA, Nurse Health & Wellness Coach, Licensed Avatar Master, HTCP
Lynne Whitlock, RN, BS, MA, HTCP/I
Please Note: HTPA virtual meetings, including Healer Development Series Calls, may be recorded. I acknowledge that by participating I give my consent to be recorded on the call and acknowledge that the recording is the property of HTPA and may be published. I acknowledge and agree to follow the HTPA Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer while on the call and I acknowledge that the views expressed on the call are those of the individual participants and may not represent the views of HTPA or HTP.
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