Book 5 Clients in 10 Days Challenge
April 17th to 21st
Thrive Academy

Would you like to book 5 new clients in just 10 days?
We are again offering special access to Sharla Jacobs’ perennially popular challenge!
Sharla has helped thousands of energy practitioners and coaches do this with a simple, repeatable process that they’re giving away for free!
I know - 5 new clients in 10 days sounds like a crazy promise…
Giving it all away for free sounds like a crazy deal…
But here’s why they are making that claim with confidence:
1. They’ve had over 10,000 people use the powerful templates that they’re providing in this FREE challenge, and it results in people booking new clients every single time.
2. The Transformational Marketing & Heartselling systems that are baked into these templates are the heart and the backbone of what has helped their members earn hundreds of millions of dollars - it allows you to rethink marketing to feel more aligned with it and more comfortable getting visible.
3. The templates and scripts you get in this challenge are 80% done-for-you! Which means you won’t spend hours down the YouTube rabbit hole of “what do I post?” or sitting in front of a blank screen wondering ‘how do I say this just right?” to attract new potential clients.
All of this helps you to show up as your most authentic self and do the last 20% to get you maximum results.
Many people have gotten new clients before the 10 days are even up…
Just imagine, how 5 new clients in the next 10 days would change your practice…
And what you could do with a proven, repeatable system that you could leverage whenever you needed it, without fearing the tech, relying on expensive ads, or getting stuck in overwhelm.
Are you ready to join their FREE 10-Day Challenge?

And if you have questions, you can email Thrive.