We are so grateful for all of our HTPA members and we want to thank you for your support and membership with HTPA. To show our appreciation for you, we are offering "Thank You Thursdays", where we email you guided meditations.
Every Thursday starting on Thanksgiving 11/24 through 12/29, HTPA will be emailing guided meditations to all active HTPA members.
These meditations will include:
- Gratitude Meditation- guided by Megan Passmore, former HTPA Virtual Chapter Lead
- Self-Chakra Connection Meditation – guided by Christine Salas, HTPA Community Director
- Self-Spiral Meditation – guided by Christine Salas, HTPA Community Director
- Self-Mind Clearing Meditation – guided by Christine Salas, HTPA Community Director
- Hara Alignment Meditation – guided by Christine Salas, HTPA Community Director
- Forgiveness & Ho'oponopono Prayer Meditation- guided by Gabriele Schlumpberger, HTPA Virtual Chapter Co-Lead
Check your email every Thursday for these meditations!