We are thrilled to have esteemed video marketing mentor Valerie McTavish conduct a two-part workshop exclusively for HTPA. Valerie has decades of experience on both sides of the camera, as well as with production, scripting and video strategy. Her practical, no-fluff approach, gift for teaching, and soft spot for helping healing professionals get out there will actually get you excited about video!
Get on Camera with Confidence & Craft a Video Plan with Clarity.
Wednesday, June 1st at 12PM Eastern
Wednesday, June 8th at 12PM Eastern
Fees: HTPA Professional Members -FREE (includes insurance and previous HTPA membership levels) HTPA Support or Community Member -$25 (includes previous HTPA On-Going membership level) Public - $50
(includes insurance and previous HTPA membership levels)
(includes previous HTPA On-Going membership level)
Public - $50
We’ll end with a Q&A so you can get your questions answered and really feel ready to create your plan and execute it.
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