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Repeat Healing Miracles on Demand with Cyndi Dale

  • 04/12/2022
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Repeat Healing Miracles on Demand:

Align with Your Divine Pathway

to Access Your Soul's Transformative Power

 with Cyndi Dale

Starts Tuesday, April 12

  • According to Cyndi, miracles take place when the blocks preventing you from seeing or moving forward have cleared, allowing you to create whatever is in the highest good for yourself and others.

    In Cyndi’s new
    7-week live video program

    ... you’ll learn to cultivate a balanced, empowered way of being via the Divine Pathway — one of the four levels of reality where you exist all the time, and where you can easily explore and embody your divine self.

    On the Divine Pathway, you can connect and partner with your own divinity and your spiritual guides, and actively invite change, and infinite possibilities, into your life, and into your work with clients.

    During your seven weeks with Cyndi, you’ll discover how everything can be transformed into a blessing with the Divine Pathway...

    ... and you’ll also activate the miracle body where you can connect with your “God Spot” — a sacred space within you. And learn the pathways to repeat healing miracles on demand.
    Cyndi will also guide you to experience a very unique type of Kundalini energy — the Radiant Kundalini.

    This shimmering light emanates from the God Spot to link you with the Divine Pathway and the angelic beings who are available through that reality.

    What If You Could Repeat Healing Miracles on Demand? Align with Your Divine Pathway to Access Your Soul's Transformative Power 

    With Cyndi as your guide, you’ll be able to recognize that a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perception.

    And, you'll discover how you can apply these simple yet life-expanding energy healing techniques and tools to create the life and practice you desire and to serve your clients at a whole new level.

    When you enroll Cyndi Dale’s new 7-week live video program, you’ll also receive these three valuable bonuses:

  • Healing Food & Substance Issues via Subtle Energetics - Compilation of 13 Video Teachings From Cyndi Dale
  • The 3 Universal Lights & the Structure of a Chakra - Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale
  • Activations: 70-Plus Short Processes for Quick Shifts - Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale

Get all the details and enroll here to claim your bonus.

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