Come join us for a lively discussion! The HTPA Virtual Book Club takes place on the first Monday of every month at 7pm Central time (USA). The HTPA Book Club is for HTPA Community, Professional and Insurance members. Only those that have requested to be a part of the Virtual Book Club (and hold an eligible Membership) will receive the Zoom link the day before the club meetings. Meetings are recorded and recordings are posted to the HTPA member portal. Once you have requested to join the club, you will always receive the links to the meetings, unless you request to be removed from the club or you allow your eligible HTPA membership to lapse.
April 4th at 7pm Central
Healing Ourselves Conversation with Dr. Shamini Jain
To join, please see the HTPA Chapters information page for instructions: HERE.
Please Note: HTPA virtual meetings including Virtual Book Club and Virtual Chapter meetings may be recorded. I acknowledge that by participating I give my consent to be recorded on the call and acknowledge that the recording is the property of HTPA and may be published. I acknowledge and agree to follow the HTPA Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer while on the call and I acknowledge that the views expressed on the call are those of the individual participants and may not represent the views of HTPA or HTP.
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